Why is SEO a separate charge from Website Design?
SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and Website Design are 2 completely different things; though they are closely related. Website design involves developing a website, which includes designing the buttons, images, and overall layout of the website. This is done when the website is new, but often times there are maintenance updates, as well as content updates.
Website maintenance updates, such as the latest security updates from Joomla, or WordPress, involve updating the software to ensure that the website is secure, and likely to protect your website from being hacked. Content updates involve your content being updated as needed, such as adding an event or latest news to the website, adding a new employee, adjusting the hours, etc. SEO maintenance involves some of the above, but there is more to optimizing a website for search engines than just the initial design, and content updates. For example, as an SEO agency that deals with dozens of customers every year, there are many tasks that are ongoing. There are many back end tasks, some simple, some more complex, that help ensure you are not only up to date, but also that your content doesn't affect your rankings. Everything from missing content (a deleted page), to a slow server can impact your rankings, thus hurting your search engine optimization efforts. Search Engine Optimization involves a process of doing all the right things, to achieve the right results. There is no single thing to master SEO. Ultimately, it involves learning a process; a process that everyone does differently, with some more successful than others. Our process has been proven repeatedly, which is why we have such a high customer retention rate.