
Digital Marketing During Covid-19

Coronavirus has swept through the nation in a matter of weeks and has had a devastating effect on small businesses throughout the country. We can help businesses adjust their marketing strategy for this crisis.

How will you update your marketing strategy?

Having a website is not enough... You need to think about updating your website with a shopping cart so you can sell online, doing an SEO campaign to get more visitors to your website, using email marketing to promote your business and inform customers, and consider creating a virtual tour to promote brand awareness and show your store or business location. This is a pivotal moment in history, and some of these steps are going to be key drivers of businesses moving forward; even moreso than they are already. There are also many things you can do for your business now, and we provide some free tips on how to market your business during the Covid-19 pandemic.
SEO Campaign
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the primary ways to grow your business; using organic rank to build traffic for long term results. We can help provide you with the right SEO campaign for your business, and can even manage your social media marketing or onilne advertising campaigns, such as Google Ads.
360° Virtual Tour
Virtual tours are an excellent way to showcase your business to potential clients. There's no better time to do them due to no crowds, fewer cars, etc.
E-Commerce Web Design
If you have ever wanted to upgrade your website to allow for e-commerce, this is your chance. It's a good time to add this functionality to help customers buy your goods online.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is an important way to stay in contact with your customers. By sending occasional updates, you can provide valuable information about your busiess and how it's dealing with Covid-19.
Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Creating regular new social media content is a must for letting your visitors know you're still arouund and ready to offer them your product or services. Find out more about our social media marketing services.

We can help with any marketing project!

Wheter you need SEOdigital marketing, or website maintenance, we can help with you with any of your existing or new marketing projects.

We got answers!

When it comes to hiring a marketing agency during a crisis, you need to decide whether they can meet your needs, and whether or not you can do some of these things on your own while experiencing downtime.
Can you afford an additional marketing expense?
Before hiring any marketing agency, including ours, make sure you can afford a marketing expense and decide how much you can do on your own. While we love growing our business, we don't want to be just another invoice during a crisis. Instead, we want to empower our clients to do as much as they can on their own. Things like social media marketing can effectively be done by you or your employees, saving valuable money for things you are not able to perform on your own. We will help train all new clients on various marketing services that you can do on your own. Best of all, as long as we are available, we won't charge you for video training (up to one hour). We can provide training about thigns you can do on your own now, to help improve your workflow and empower you to do as much on your own as you have time for.

Contact Us

01. About Us

Make it Active, LLC is a full service Marketing Agency located in Dover, NH, just minutes from Portsmouth.

We offer digital marketing services, including SEO, Website Design, Marketing, and graphic design.

About Us

03. Latest News

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    Email Issues Are With Your Email Provider
    Back in the 1990's, and early 2000's when a client had an issue with email, it could easily be figured out internally because as a company with a server, we could track what was going on in the backend on the website and on the server in general. As third party email services became the norm, more and more clients
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04. Marketing Articles

  • Cheap SEO
    When it comes to growing or sustaining a business, one thing all smart business owners should know is the importance of ROI. Paying attention to the return on investment is imperative if you want to not only sustain your business, but watch it grow. If you spend money on something specifically to increase revenue and grow your business, and it
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