Does SEO Impact Sales?

Many clients, and potential clients, ask us whether or not SEO can, and will, actually impact their company sales. The short answer is a resounding, YES!

However, it's not as simple as it seems. While proper SEO will increase your placement on search engines, the right SEO, or rather, legitimate SEO is what determines the longevity of your online marketing campaign. We have gone into great details in these frequently asked questions discussing what the difference between blackhat and whitehat SEO is, so I would suggest reading more about that to determine if the SEO company you are working with are implementing the correct techniques; one of which can get you banned from search engines. In our experience, the majority of SEO companies employ methods which can, and will, actually hurt your ranking on popular search engines. That's where we are different. We not only partner with Google, and other search companies to help you achieve your goals, but we follow the rules; helping to ensure long term ranking success from any SEO maintenance campaign.

Legitimate SEO agencies will work to bring you up, and demonstrate their success with actual results. At times, even those results could be confusing, which is why you need to make sure you are hiring the correct people to handle the task so you know you are getting accurate information about the success of your SEO campaign. For example, I work with a company that saw increases very quickly, and were happy with the results. By the second quarter, despite a continuing growth in sales, they saw their traffic actually level off, and one month even go down. They weren't concerned, because their sales grew, but I still felt it important to explain what was going on. They previously had a lot of bad traffic, and a high bounce rate, because the company that previously worked with them, left mini template files alluding to a completely different product; thus, they were getting lots of traffic for products that they didn't even carry. Now, they were getting fewer unnecessary visits, but more targeted visits, which increased their sales.

The biggest thing is you should see an increase overall, especially compared with a similar time frame. For example, comparing the summer quarter, with the previous summer quarter. For example, if you run a business that rent boats out for the summer, your traffic wouldn't necessarily go up in the fall, or winter. But your traffic should be higher than the previous fall and winter seasons.

Higher traffic is one thing, the next important aspect is to make sure that your website makes it easy for people to get from the front page, to where you want them to go. These are called conversions, when they complete the process from a visitor, to a customer. Our goal as both of web development company, and an SEO agency, is to increase your traffic, as well as your conversion rate.

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01. About Us

Make it Active, LLC is a full service Marketing Agency located in Dover, NH, just minutes from Portsmouth.

We offer digital marketing services, including SEO, Website Design, Marketing, and graphic design.

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04. Marketing Articles

  • Cheap SEO
    When it comes to growing or sustaining a business, one thing all smart business owners should know is the importance of ROI. Paying attention to the return on investment is imperative if you want to not only sustain your business, but watch it grow. If you spend money on something specifically to increase revenue and grow your business, and it
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