How do I choose a local SEO company?

Finding a reputable SEO company can be difficult. Most web design companies and businesses are small; run by graphic designers, who know how to draw and design using popular content management systems such as WordPress, but don't actually know anything about search engine optimization. The problem is, everyone wants to do SEO now, so many companies are adding it to their list of services even if they don't have the time, nor experience, to do it effectively. Most web design companies offer SEO because they want the regular income that it brings, not because they are actually experts in performing search engine optimization, or have an understanding of how to market a business. This leads to much confusion about how SEO is done. In many cases, our new clients had received little to no work towards their project from previous companies working with them; which is why they end up doing business with us in the first place. We are well known in NH, and are considered one of the top ranking SEO companies in the state. We have been in business for over 24 years, so we only use marketing strategies that work.

We recommend that you do some searches so you have a basic understanding about what SEO is before working with any company. Even if you don't want to do it yourself, you should still understand the basics to make it easier to communicate with the marketing companies you hire. Write down a few questions and when you are speaking to one of the SEO professionals, see how they answer it. While this isn't a foolproof method, as some people are great at talking; this is at least a way to weed out people who have no understanding of what it takes to properly optimize your website for search engines. We can do this for you anytime, just pick a question and ask to speak with the person doing the SEO, and we will most likely be able to answer it on the fly (we haven't been stumped yet). We are confident in our abilities because we have decades of marketing and website design experience. We don't just sell SEO services, it is a service we perform for our clients on a daily basis. The same can't be said for most companies that offer SEO.

Find out more about our SEO Plans. We offer both contract SEO and no contract SEO services.

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01. About Us

Make it Active, LLC is a full service Marketing Agency located in Dover, NH, just minutes from Portsmouth.

We offer digital marketing services, including SEO, Website Design, Marketing, and graphic design.

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04. Marketing Articles

  • Cheap SEO
    When it comes to growing or sustaining a business, one thing all smart business owners should know is the importance of ROI. Paying attention to the return on investment is imperative if you want to not only sustain your business, but watch it grow. If you spend money on something specifically to increase revenue and grow your business, and it
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