Does SEO work with all search engines?


Search Engine Optimization isn't just for one search engine; in fact, it works with all search engines. The goal of search companies is to provide more reliable results. By optimizing your website, and figuring out what Google, Bing, and the other search engines are looking for, you help organize content on the internet, and push your brand at the same time.

Something to consider when performing SEO is how the search engines will react to search engine optimization of your website. Think of it this way, if you had a directory, for example, a phone book, and someone put their company in every category, or at least several categories, do you think your customers would think that your phone book was less effective when it comes to finding specific businesses? The more effective your content placement is, the better results you will have.

They would. Think of how many times you do a search through a phone book, or using a search engine and how much irrelevant websites you end up pulling up? Well, Google is trying to correct that, as are the other search engines. They are not only ranking websites based on appropriateness of content, but they are also removing websites altogether that violate their policies. While you may gain in the short run, you will surely lose your place over the long term.

That is why we do things differently; we actually optimize your website for your customers or visitors, which affect how your website is found on the internet and how you are “seen” by search engines. Our online marketing consultants do much more because we want our customers to succeed, the more you succeed, the more we gain referrals. So unlike most SEO firms, we are not simply looking to make a quick dollar.

Our firm is located in the New Hampshire  area and is available for SEO and online marketing consultations.

Find out more about our SEO Plans. We offer both contract SEO and no contract SEO services.

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01. About Us

Make it Active, LLC is a full service Marketing Agency located in Dover, NH, just minutes from Portsmouth.

We offer digital marketing services, including SEO, Website Design, Marketing, and graphic design.

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