Why should we choose Make it Active over a large SEO Agency in Boston?

We have been asked this only once, so I'm not sure I would consider this a "frequently asked question." Nonetheless, we felt it was a good question to answer in general, for prospective clients. One business owner said that a company from Boston stated "they were better, simply because being from a big city, they knew SEO better." If that's the case, our company being from both Los Angeles, and having an office in the Bay Area/Silicon Valley in the 90's must make our us the most knowledgeable SEO company in New England! The truth is, SEO has little to do with where your company resides, and has more to do with long term knowledge about the industry.

I have met a few very good, legitimate SEO companies over the years. While I would argue 95% or more are scammers, there are some that do actually know what they're doing, and do a good job for their clients; I know, because sometimes I have had to fight to stay in the top spot against these people. Ultimately, what is important is that whatever SEO agency you go with (we would love you to choose us), make sure it is someone that spends more time offering solutions than giving promises. If they aren't giving you any homework, or advice, while they are doing your project; it's probably because they don't know what they're doing.

For every 10-20 things we do as a company to improve SEO for a business, there is at least 1 thing that the company needs to do. I have met many business owners who had no clue what exactly their previous SEO consultant was doing; in fact, taking them over as a client, I am never surprised when I see their previous SEO company was doing nothing at all. Being located in Boston, NYC, or San Jose doesn't make one a good SEO consultant, or online marketing professional. Understanding marketing, and website development, and constantly refreshing what you know is what makes for a good online marketing company. Every day new changes occur when it comes to SEO, especially in regards to Google; that is why we follow closely with the latest developments and are always ahead of the curve.

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01. About Us

Make it Active, LLC is a full service Marketing Agency located in Dover, NH, just minutes from Portsmouth.

We offer digital marketing services, including SEO, Website Design, Marketing, and graphic design.

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03. Latest News

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    Email Issues Are With Your Email Provider
    Back in the 1990's, and early 2000's when a client had an issue with email, it could easily be figured out internally because as a company with a server, we could track what was going on in the backend on the website and on the server in general. As third party email services became the norm, more and more clients
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04. Marketing Articles

  • Cheap SEO
    When it comes to growing or sustaining a business, one thing all smart business owners should know is the importance of ROI. Paying attention to the return on investment is imperative if you want to not only sustain your business, but watch it grow. If you spend money on something specifically to increase revenue and grow your business, and it
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