How are Make it Active websites better?

How are Make it Active websites better?

At Make it Active, there are three things we focus on in regards to website design, SEO, or any online marketing project we take on:

  1. Attracting visitors
  2. Being a resource
  3. Customer driven

Attracting visitors is the most important first step. However, once visitors come to your website, if there is not much there, there is not much of a reason for them to return; which is why being a resource is so important. We focus our efforts in making sure your content is up to par with what users will want. Which leads to the third item on our list; being customer driven. Being a customer driven website simply means being focused. That is, focusing the content on the intended audience. For example, you can create content based on the customers visiting your website. Big accounts can be registered, and a complete different set of menus and content can be shown to them, while other customers could see something else completely.

Imagine having a potential customer that requires specific information from your website, think of the possibilities of being able to create content just for them. Every login can be unique; you can divide your single website between specific customers, reps, regular visitors, etc.

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01. About Us

Make it Active, LLC is a full service Marketing Agency located in Dover, NH, just minutes from Portsmouth.

We offer digital marketing services, including SEO, Website Design, Marketing, and graphic design.

About Us

03. Latest News

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    Email Issues Are With Your Email Provider
    Back in the 1990's, and early 2000's when a client had an issue with email, it could easily be figured out internally because as a company with a server, we could track what was going on in the backend on the website and on the server in general. As third party email services became the norm, more and more clients
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04. Marketing Articles

  • Cheap SEO
    When it comes to growing or sustaining a business, one thing all smart business owners should know is the importance of ROI. Paying attention to the return on investment is imperative if you want to not only sustain your business, but watch it grow. If you spend money on something specifically to increase revenue and grow your business, and it
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