What is the most important part of a website?

What is the most important part of a website?

The most important part to any website is content. Without content, your website is nothing more than an advertisement, which is not an effective online marketing strategy. The goal of any marketing professional that designs websites should always be to create an online resource for people. It sounds simplistic, but it's true; which is why the most well known websites on the internet have the most content.

Whatever your product or service is, your goal as a business or organization should be to empower your visitors, not simply sell them something; that will come in time. By showing that their interests are important to you, they have a reason to return, thus increasing the likelihood of a purchase or additional purchases.

Make sure to have the following:

  • Detailed product descriptions
  • In depth product support information
  • A responsive technical support section
  • Easy to find contact information
  • Product manuals, white papers, sales sheets, user manuals, etc.

By offering these to your visitors, you give them a reason to come back. Think of it this way, no matter how good the deal is, or where the purchase is made, would you buy something from a company that simply displays a picture, or one that gives a detailed description of the product being sold? The more time the customer spends on your site, the greater the chances are they will return to get more information and purchase more products.

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01. About Us

Make it Active, LLC is a full service Marketing Agency located in Dover, NH, just minutes from Portsmouth.

We offer digital marketing services, including SEO, Website Design, Marketing, and graphic design.

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    Email Issues Are With Your Email Provider
    Back in the 1990's, and early 2000's when a client had an issue with email, it could easily be figured out internally because as a company with a server, we could track what was going on in the backend on the website and on the server in general. As third party email services became the norm, more and more clients
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04. Marketing Articles

  • Cheap SEO
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