New Company Logo
Make it Active, LLC, one of the leading USA owned and operated marketing companies is introducing our new logo. We decided to create a new logo after over 25 years of using our previous logo. This was designed in 2020, but with everything happening that year, we focused all of our marketing efforts on our clients, and held off making the change. We designed a new website to go live in 2019, but again, with everything that happened in 2020, we had to pivot when several clients moved their businesses online by creating several ecommerce websites.
After catching up, and doing even more to grow our partnership with Google and grow our clients business through SEO, we are ready to move forward with an exciting year for Make it Active! This year we have created a new website and while we wanted to wait to launch our new logo and branding, we just couldn't wait anymore. Attached is our new logo. Stay tuned to see what we have in store next with our all new website!
- Make it Active, LLC
- Marketing News
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