

At Make it Active, we offer a very reasonable pricing structure based on several factors, including the time involved, the project itself, and the priority of the project. If you would like a quote, please Contact us now to speak with our marketing team about how we can save your company money!

Our pricing depends on the ongoing nature of the project. The more we work with our clients, the more we offer and the lower our rates; this is our business model because it increases customer retention. Therefore, as a potential client, you know our goal is a long-term relationship, rather than simply providing a "one-off" job.


If you provide all of the information and images for a sales brochure for a graphic design project, and simply wants the project completed and printed, the rate would be lower than something more complex; such as creation of a catalog without a basic structure. Basically, If regular communication between an engineer, marketing manager, the sales team, etc. is required to complete the project, the rate would be higher.

SEO and Search Engine Marketing services to manage your search engine optimization and online advertising are based on set rates, since we follow specific procedures, and it is based on time spent for that particular product, service or company. Below you will find specific contract and non-contract prices for our online marketing services.

SEO & Online Marketing Pricing

SEO Services

Cost for Search Engine Optimization.

SEO Pricing

These are Make it Active's SEO pricing plans. We highly recommend you review our SEO FAQ's section, where we specifically discuss more details about how we perform SEO, and how we differ from the competition.

SEO Prices

No Contract SEO

Cost for Search Engine Optimization.

No Contract SEO

Here is a list of our non-contract SEO plans. If you are interested in a contract plan, please see our annual SEO plans We offer discounted SEO pricing for all ongoing customers.

No Contract SEO Prices

SEM Services

Cost for Search Engine Optimization.

SEM Services

Here is a list of our non-contract SEO plans. If you are interested in a contract plan, please see our annual SEO plans We offer discounted SEO pricing for all ongoing customers.

SEM Prices

Website Development Pricing

Website Design

Cost for designing a website.

Website Design

The costs for website development can vary project to project, depending mainly on the content provided, how extensive the website is, and the goals of the business (maintaining an online presence, or growing the business online).

Website Design Prices

Website Maintenance

Maintenance Plans to keep your website updated.

Website Maintenance

We offer a variety of maintenance plans to keep your website secure and updated.

Website Maintenance Prices

Website Hosting

We offer a variety of web hosting plans for online storage needs.

Website Hosting

Our hosting plans vary based on needs, are are kept on top of the line maintained servers.

Website Hosting Prices

Additional Marketing Services Pricing

Google Street View

360° Virtual Tours.

Google Street View

Pricing for Google 360° Street View Virtual Tours.

Virtual Tour Prices

Social Media

Pricing for social media management.

Social Media

Pricing for social media management.

Social Media Prices


Graphic design and marketing collateral design.


Our pricing for design services, including graphic design, marketing collateral design, etc.

Graphic Design Prices


Pricing for all multimedia including video, audio and presentations.


Pricing for all multimedia including video, audio and presentations.

Multimedia Prices

Tradeshow Consulting

Pricing to manage some aspects or all of your next tradeshow.

Tradeshow Consulting

Pricing to manage some aspects or all of your next tradeshow..

Tradeshow Consulting Prices

Marketing Consulting

Pricing for marketing consulting and business development.

Marketing Consulting

Our pricing for business development and consulting services.

Marketing Prices

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01. About Us

Make it Active, LLC is a full service Marketing Agency located in Dover, NH, just minutes from Portsmouth.

We offer digital marketing services, including SEO, Website Design, Marketing, and graphic design.

About Us

03. Latest News

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04. Marketing Articles

  • Cheap SEO
    When it comes to growing or sustaining a business, one thing all smart business owners should know is the importance of ROI. Paying attention to the return on investment is imperative if you want to not only sustain your business, but watch it grow. If you spend money on something specifically to increase revenue and grow your business, and it
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